
Yonat Rum, Zachor, Ditza A, Armony, Yael , Daniel, Ella , and Dromi, Esther . 2024. Sibling Relationships In Families Of Autistic And Typical Children: Similarities And Differences In The Perspectives Of Siblings And Mothers. Journal Of Autism And Developmental Disorders, Pp. 1–15.


This study investigated the role of nontypical development in the relative dominance in twins' relationships throughout childhood.


Dominance dynamics, affecting siblings' well-being, are different in twins than in singletons for whom age and development often dictate sibling hierarchy. These dynamics in twins, who share similar ages and developmental contexts, remain underexplored and demand further understanding.


A longitudinal study surveyed 1,547 mothers and 536 fathers of 322 monozygotic (sharing nearly 100% genes) and 1,199 dizygotic (sharing 50% genetic variance) twin pairs, aged 3 to 8–9. Both parents reported on the twins' relationships. Mothers reported whether either twin had a developmental condition.


No dominance difference was found in similar developmental conditions dyads, whether both twins had typical or nontypical development. However, in dyads where twins differed in the developmental condition, nontypically developing twins were less dominant than their typically developing cotwins. This dominance imbalance persisted throughout childhood, even if initial developmental issues were resolved.


From parents' perspectives, nontypical development does not, in itself, prevent children from demonstrating dominance behaviors in twinship, but it is more likely that the asymmetry in developmental conditions is associated with the relationship between the twins.

Implications and Recommendations

According to parents' perceptions, twins with nontypical development might experience imbalances in their relationship throughout childhood when their co-twin is a typically developing child. However, demonstrating dominance might be possible for them in other contexts. Understanding these dominance dynamics is vital for caregivers, informing tailored parenting strategies and interventions to support the well-being of children.

Yonat Rum, Golan, Ofer , Allison, Carrie , Smith, Paula , White, Simon R, and Baron-Cohen, Simon . 2023. Does Having A Sibling Affect Autistic People's Empathy?. Journal Of Autism And Developmental Disorders, Pp. 1–11.
Yonat Rum, Genzer, Shir , Golan, Ofer , Allison, Carrie , Baron-Cohen, Simon , and Perry, Anat . 2023. Typical Observers' Empathy Towards An Autistic Person And The Impact Of Disclosure Of A Diagnosis. Insar 2023.
Yonat Rum, Genzer, Shir , Markovitch, Noam , Jenkins, Jennifer , Perry, Anat , and Knafo-Noam, Ariel . 2022. Are There Positive Effects Of Having A Sibling With Special Needs? Empathy And Prosociality Of Twins Of Children With Non-Typical Development. Child Development, 93, Pp. 1121–1128.
Esther Dromi and Rum, Yonat . 2022. The Clinical Profile Of Young Children With Asd–Research And Clinic Under One Roof. In Developing Language And Literacy: Studies In Honor Of Dorit Diskin Ravid, Pp. 639–653. Springer International Publishing Cham.
Nur Kassem, Rum, Yonat , and Perry, Anat . 2022. To Feel And Talk In A Language Of Conflict: Distinct Emotional Experience And Expression Of Bilinguals Among Disadvantaged Minority Members. Journal Of Multilingual And Multicultural Development, Pp. 1–18.
Yonat Rum, Zachor, Ditza A, and Dromi, Esther . 2021. Prosocial Behaviors Of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder (Asd) During Interactions With Their Typically Developing Siblings. International Journal Of Behavioral Development, 45, Pp. 293–298.
Yonat Rum and Dromi, Esther . 2021. Kids On The Autism Spectrum And Their Siblings. Frontiers For Young Minds.
rumdromi_kids_2021.pdf ילדים על רצף האוטיזם ואחיהם 2020.pdf
Yonat Rum and Perry, Anat . 2020. Empathic Accuracy In Clinical Populations. Frontiers In Psychiatry, 11, Pp. 510396.
Yonat Rum, Zachor, Ditza AAntebi, and Dromi, Esther . 2020. Interaction Of Children With Asd And Their Siblings, Mothers And Friends. In Insar 2020 Virtual Meeting. INSAR.
Esther Dromi, Rum, Yonat , and Florian, Jessica Goldberg. 2018. 39. Communication, Language, Speech In Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder (Asd). Handbook Of Communication Disorders. Berlin, Pp. 811–28.